Tuesday, 15 February 2011

An Aberdeenshire gloup

Having visited gloups in Orkney and Shetland, it seemed appropriate to visit the Aberdeenshire version - Bullers o Buchan. (A gloup occurs where the roof of a sea cave has collapsed.)  It was a damp, drizzly, grey day.

There's some old fisherman's cottages nearby. Apparently the fishing was only viable here due to the cove, where the boats could be beached. It wouldn't have been easy to haul all the gear up the steep path to the cottages though, and that's why the Bullers was eventually abandoned as a fishing station.

 From the cottage side looking towards the sea...

... and vice versa.

I think this would be a spectacular piece of coastline to visit (or explore by kayak) in summer, with all the nesting seabirds around.

You'd certainly need a good head for heights to walk around this gloup though!

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